The city walls of Fanum Fortunae constitute one of the very rare example of defensive wall of which we know the exact date of completion. This useful indication is provided by the inscription on the entablature of the main gate of the city. It refers to the construction of the defensive perimeter, determined by Augustus (CIL, XI, 6219): Imp(erator) Caesar Divi f(ilius) Augustus pontifex maximus co(n)s(ul) XII tribunicia potestate XXXII imp(erator) XXVI (sic!) pater patriae murum dedit.

The walls are made of a double pseudoisodomo layer (opus vittatum) consisting in low rows of blocks of stone with lime, sand and machining chips filling.

Theopus vittatum, showing constructive practicality, robustness and decorum, has been used extensively in the Augustan age for new colonies or for cities’ renewals; this building technique is not present in central Italy before the middle of the first century b.C.

In Fano we find an unified design of the walls on three sides and also a homogenous constructive intervention, brought to completion in 9-10 a.D. Although the Augustan colonial foundation is subject of debate, it is generally referred, for various reasons, to the years between 31 and 27 b.C.



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