The FLAMINIA NEXTONE project - Evolved Cultural District project of the Via Flaminia, is developed from the recognition of the uniqueness and the identity value of the territory crossed by the Roman road which was, since ancient times, an important axis of communication and a centre of economic turmoil. This route - the Via Flaminia - is where is held an "intangible cultural capital" that has grown and developed by the exchange of knowledge, with the practices of the local community and where there is integration and synergy between the growth of cultural heritage and a general strategy of regional development.
The strategic goals of the Flaminia NEXTONE project concern the protection and valorisation of assets (land resources, landscapes and cultural heritage, generic local heritage) of the Flaminia, implemented through different actions including:
- a new local governance system;
- the creation of a network of local economies connected (directly or indirectly) through the development of new technologies and innovative products and services;
- the consolidation of citizens’ identity and cohesion.
The partnership creates a network between universities, companies and public administration, focusing resources on a significant socio-economic project. The key factor is the new perspective from which partners face the cultural heritage protection and promotion; the aim is to transform the Flaminia into an area of innovation, a centre of cultural production and dissemination. In the structure of the partnership has been considered every special skill of each subject to increase the aim potential The collaboration between partners guarantees complementarity of experience and helps to develop excellent skills to consolidate a developing business for the Flaminia system.
The public company, which has to outline the strategies to orient the activities of the DCE, makes a direct financial contribution and other supplies in terms of personnel provision, property and instruments, data bank and everything that in necessaire to the implementation of project activities.
Universities provide resources and expertise about: the research project and application of new technologies to simplify the access to cultural heritage; the process of digitization and multimedia representation of historical cultural and architectural heritage; the analysis of web and mobile systems; the 2D and 3D reconstruction techniques; the profiling systems and innovative approaches to the management of cultural heritage.
The association Centro Studi Vitruviani participates providing the digital contents and expert archaeologists in order to validate the use and data interpretation, carried out by content retargeting of existing database.
The involvement in the partnership of the Regional Secretariat of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism of the region Marche as to be highlighted. The Ministry, sharing in the aims and objectives of the project, has considered to directly participate to the initiative, considering inestimable the value of cultural heritage of the via Flaminia.
The City of Fano is in charge of the project. In its role of lead institution, the City of Fano has to coordinate and supervise the implementation of the interventions and has to ensure the communication between partners.
The team of private enterprises, members of the partnership, is the added value of the project because it gives more opportunities to increase the economic activities and promotes the formulation of sustainable and validated projects in a social and geographical level.
Massimo Seri Mayor
Stefano Marchegiani Councillor for Culture and Tourism
Grazia Mosciatti Culture and Tourism Manager
Claudia Cardinali Official Cultural Activities Service
Ivan Antognozzi Project manager DCE Flaminia Nextone
Università Politecnica delle Marche
scientific manager
Paolo Clini
Ramona Quattrini
Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo"
responsible for coordinating archaeological content
Valeria Purcaro, Oscar Mei
With the collaboration of
Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche
Maria Gloria Cerquetti Official area Archaeologist
The aerial shots of the Via Flaminia were made thanks to
Corpo Forestale dello Stato
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Romina Nespeca
with the collaboration of
Floriano Capponi, Giulia Crinelli, Gianluca Gagliardini,
Massimo Orselli, Gianni Plescia, Ludovico Ruggeri, Luigi Sagone
texts of
Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”
Mario Luni, Valeria Purcaro, Oscar Mei
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Paolo Clini
Centro Studi Vitruviani
Laura Bertuccioli, Laura Invernizzi
translations of
Francesco Leoni
other contents
design and construction of the web site and the app
JEF s.r.l. (www.jef.it)