Scheda punto di interesse
The imposing terracing walls in opus quadratum of Flaminia at Pontericcioli, had been already described in the nineteenth century, with "four spurs placed at different distances from each other, m l 1.5 arge and m 1.1 protruding". This monumental structure consists of large rectangular blocks, arranged in regular rows without mortar, a conglomerate from nearby Foci of Cagli and locally called "grigna stone".
It is a wall approximately m 50 long, with a thickness of m 1.5 (in the visible part) and more than m 5 high. Recently it was freed from the soil and vegetation downstream by the Archaeological Superintendence of the Marche Region; it was observed that the structure has no foundations and rests on a powerful layer of well pressed crushed stones. It presents signs of yelding and even a restoration; the latter, carried out in the past centuries by the construction of a reinforced wall leaning on the former, is made from local grigna stone blocks.
The building technique of the original phase of the monument and the type of material used is perfectly reflected in Manlio Bridge in Cagli dated, according to some scholars, maybe to late republican age, but more likely to be referred to protoaugustea era. To the same period should be ascribed the terrace wall in Pontericcioli, very similar to some other preserved along the Flaminia in Umbria, to bind probably at a larger intervention realized in the same protoaugustea age.
Oscar Mei